Monday, October 7, 2013

Modern Day Puritans!

 Although most people think Puritans no  longer exist in society today,  they technically still do! We are  more like the Puritans  than we think.  In the book  The  Scarlet  Letter, the Puritans  use the rose bush  as a  symbol of hope in what they wanted to be a utopian society.  We all  have different  items that serves as a " rose  bush"  in our lives. The Puritans  also used the bible as their  laws,  the government also used the  bible to help create some laws for today's society.  Last but not least,  the Puritans  believed in punishing their people  by  exposing them  to the public.  Many  people may  not realize it,  but we do that a lot!  Every time we see the  celebrities'  business plastered  across our TV  screens,  and  every talk show in the country is talking about their mistakes,  we are publicly shaming them!  All in all, I  think we should think twice about judging the Puritans,  because we are one in the same!

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